
Social and domestic orientation of visually impaired children

Social and domestic orientation of children with impaired social and domestic orientation is one of special remedial classes, which are conducted according to the age and the specific features and capabilities of the blind and visually impaired children. This takes into account local conditions and national traditions. Lessons in social and domestic orientation aimed at developing skills and promoting social adaptation of children. First of all, it is the skills that relate to the organization of their behavior, child's communication with others in a variety of social and everyday situations. In the classroom for social and domestic orientation skills are formed, giving children the opportunity to perform a variety of actions as by sight, and without it, children are taught to use rational analyzers have stored in different social and everyday situations. Tiflopedagog forms in children's views of the surrounding objects in the home, their purpose and possibilities of use, children give an idea about the main types of domestic and professional work. The course is taught includes the following topics: "Personal Health", "Clothing and footwear", "food", "Family", "The Culture of conduct", "Housing", "Transport", "trade", "health care". Learn how social and domestic orientation facilitates social and psychological adaptation of the blind and visually impaired children to the life. Classes on "Personal Hygiene" allow children to acquire skills and habits of hygiene, preservation of sight, touch, skin care, maintain and promote their health. Classes on "Power" introduce children to provide basic food, methods of preparation and storage of food, table setting. Expansion of self-help skills, thematic lessons "Clothing and footwear", "Housing". They include daily care of clothing, footwear and housing. Ways and means of establishing personal relationships in the family, group, public places revealed in the themes "Family" and "The Culture of behavior." Children learn how to behave at the table, in the store, transport, etc. Plays an important role in shaping children's formation and skills to use the means of communication, transportation, shopping, medical care. These skills form when those "Transport", "trade", "Communication", "health care". Lessons in social and domestic orientation conducted with younger and middle group 1 day a week, with children older and preparatory group twice a week. Organize these activities so that children have the opportunity to observe the actions of adults and participated in them. Of great importance is the gradual formation of skills, providing first a simple mastery, and then more complex actions. Tiflopedagog method uses phase display and testing of all elements of the action with each child. Also used verbal regulation and correction actions of children. Visual material for lessons on social and domestic orientation selected on the basis of obtaining the maximum comprehensive information about the studied object or phenomenon. Children are familiar with the subject's inner circle, and teach them to perform certain actions in accordance with the purpose. Submissions received extended and secured in specially organized teaching and subject-role-playing games, on hikes and talks. For knowledge and skills for social and domestic orientation are different methodological approaches: explanation, demonstration, plot-role-playing games, excursions. A great place for special remedial classes on social and domestic orientation is given subject-role-playing game. In games, improved subject-action-formed compensatory ways of knowing the world. During the games in an accessible and entertaining way assimilated conventional norms of behavior are formed and interaction skills with peers and adults. Tiflopedagog in the implementation of the program on social and consumer orientation has the following objectives: - To help children adapt to kindergarten. - To help children adapt to the process of rehabilitation. - Teach children to regulate their conduct in basic life situations (in daily life with peers and adults) in accordance with generally accepted standards. - Develop a solid foundation for a successful self-employment of children in school. To achieve the goals outlined the following objectives: 1. The education of children to an adequate representation of the outside world through the use of the broken (the visually impaired children with strabismus and amblyopia) or residual (blind children) of analyzers and intact in children of all categories. 2. The education of children the ability to interpret and reflect the speech is perceived objects, their attributes, properties and quality. 3. Teaching children to understand and correct reflection of the essence of the speech events and phenomena. 4. Development of children visual-spatial adaptation (ie, the required amount of spatial concepts and skills, under which they will be able to navigate freely and independently in space and communicate with their environment). 5. Implementation of the content of the relationship special remedial classes on social and domestic orientation with general education classes and with the work of caregivers with children in everyday life. Thus, in special remedial classes on social and domestic orientation in children the understanding of their sensory capabilities, self-esteem, the ability to orient himself to the simplest of domestic and social situations.

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